What our customers are saying about us!
June 26, 2015...I just wanted to let you know how much we appreciate your shaft lock on our Slocum 43. We installed it in Mexico in 2007 and just finished our 46,000 mile circumnavigation. It work(ed) flawlessly the whole trip, unlike many other pieces of our offshore equipment. Crossing the Indian Ocean and rounding S. Africa were the most demanding passages and the shaft brake was really put to the test. We purchased a Shaft Lok back in Nov. 2006 (sailing south along the coast of California) for our Slocum 43. We love the unit. Slowing the boat down to lock the brake is the one challenge we have. Anything over 2.5-3 knots and it will bounce back out when I'm engaging it. With the shaft button (Simple Spring Locking System) located under the floor in our cabin, it takes two people to set the brake, one at the helm, one down below. We have it down though and it works wonderful. We typically sail at 5-7 knots, but have hit 9 knots without the brake coming free. Thank you: Captain David Pryde and Admiral Jan, S/V Baraka, 17 x 11 x 3 fixed propeller, Mod II Easy Lok unit with Simple Spring Locking System. On the hard at Rebak Island, just off Langkawi, Malaysia. December 17, 2010.
Captain David Pryde and Admiral Jan, — S/V Baraka
To Shaft Lok: “Since installing a Shaft Lok on my 46 foot, heavy displacement ketch two years ago, it has performed as intended in over 2,000 miles of mostly weekend sailing, albeit with two ‘breakdowns'. In both instances, the producers attentively helped me in evaluation of the problem and readily replaced the broken parts, even though the malfunction, in the second instance, was partly due to my misuse of the unit. This simply designed, self-releasing mechanism offers a welcome alternative to the more complicated, trouble-prone systems around. Shaft Lok’s customer service can’t be beat. I believe this will be of value to those of your readers who face the problem of preventing damage caused by a freewheeling hydraulic transmission." John Walsh, Ann Arbor, Michigan
John Walsh, Ann Arbor, Michigan, — PRACTICAL SAILOR MAGAZINE
Autoprop Bruntons its use (Shaft Lok) is essential with the Bruntons prop otherwise a lot of drag will occur while sailing. The boat had a shaftlok fitted but unfortunately I thought that I would not need it (wrong!) with a folding propeller and removed it while I was changing the sternseal. I now re-installed it. Once I got the knack of engaging the shaft lok it was easy and it is essential that it is engaged otherwise the Bruntons propellor rotates and causes more drag than the original fixed blade propellor. The new propellor + shaft lok gives about 1/2 to 3/4 Knot more speed while sailing. Thank you Captain A.S. of S/Y Tournesol, May 14, 2010.
Captain A.S., — S/Y Tournesol for Autoprop Bruntons